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The Message Ministry Supplement - No. 9 - March 2024
This supplement to the digital edition of The Message appears
monthly and features news and information about ministries
across the Diocese of Evansville, and the events they are sponsoring.


Catholic Ministries Appeal 2023 - 2024

Electronic Mass and Prayer Opportunities Across the Diocese of Evansville


Resources you can use to Stand for Life!
¡Recursos que puede utilizar para defender la vida!

Mission Statement

We, the Catholics of the Diocese of Evansville, are committed to continuing the mission of Jesus Christ in the world today by joyfully living the gospel, ministering to all in justice and charity, and inviting people into a personal encounter with the living God through Word, Sacrament and Service.

The Particular Church within the Universal Church

The Catholic Diocese of Evansville is comprised of members of the Kingdom of God living in the 12 counties of Southwest Indiana.

​The Diocese of Evansville is a part of the Indianapolis Province, the Indiana Catholic Conference, the Bishop's Region Seven (Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois) and a part of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

We belong to the Universal Church in unity with the whole Roman Catholic Church and our Holy Father, Pope Francis .